~ Some Early Thanksgiving Entertainment

Hand decorated like a turkey.


I realize Thanksgiving is a little over a week away.


I’m soon going to be traveling two time zones over to attend a conference and give a presentation. I’m excited to be going, but extremely apprehensive about the flight. I used to love flying, but it only took one sudden, stomach-wrenching experience of turbulence and a sensation of the plane being violently pushed down from above to make me reject the very idea of getting on an airplane.

I’ve been through several extremely turbulent flights, and though each time the plane landed safely (thank you, pilots), I’ve unfortunately been conditioned to fear for my life when talk of having to fly somewhere comes up. With this trip, driving really wasn’t going to be an option because of time and distance, so even though it doesn’t sound like it, I’m really trying to suck it up.


I wish I knew Falkor; a luckdragon would make the idea of flying fun, again.

Falkor Luckdragon character from the movie The Never Ending Story

So, with a great conference ahead of me, but a huge hurdle standing between me and my destination, I thought I’d send out an early Thanksgiving wish because I’ll be thankful for many things when the flight is over. As a side note, I also hear that it’s so cold that I might instantly crystalize as soon as I step foot outside the plane, so it’s even more important to make sure I get something entertaining up before I go!

If you’ve been with me for a bit, you may remember a post back in February that featured some sweet UPA-inspired animation. I’m enamored with this style and very much want to do something to try to emulate it, but haven’t had the opportunity to do so, yet. The time will come, but in the meantime, here’s a cute UPA-inspired Thanksgiving greeting.

I hope your Thanksgiving is a great one whether you’re with family, friends, or toiling away at work (see? Somebody’s thinking about you!).